Soothing Sessions Bodywork
Soul to Sole Therapies

Client Forms

Client Feedback form
Physician's Permission form

First-time and Returning Clients

Physician's permission to receive Massage & Bodywork

Certain conditions, illnesses and traumas may be contraindicated for you to receive Massage & Bodywork. In these situations you may need to have your Physician's/Healthcare provider's permission to receive Massage & Bodywork. Please download the "Physician's Permission form" and have your physician fill it out.


Bring in the signed copy to your next session. I will put a copy in your records and you can keep the original for your taxes.


Also please fill out a "Client Feedback form." Your input will help me improve and keep your visits running smoothly. It is important that your sessions and experiences are pleasant, relaxing and fun. Thank you for your help!